Date, time, user, session – Built-in functions

What are Built-in functions?

When you need the system to return information about the system – user, date, time, session etc, built-in functions are used. Built-in functions are sometimes referred to as special registers. Mostly used with the SELECT statement.


If you are wondering about your Teradata Account information just use this function to see your current account string.


Returns the current system date and it is same as the function DATE.


This function returns the current system time and current session ‘Time Zone’ displacement. This function is similar to the TIME function but with extra feature of Time Zone displacement.


Returns the current system timestamp (including year, month and day) and current session Time Zone displacement.


If you are wondering how to find your current database name, use this function which returns the name of the default database for the current user.

• DATE: –

As mentioned earlier, it does return the current date.


Returns a number for the session the current user is in. Two sessions does not have the same number. If you want to identify your session, this is the function to use.

• TIME: –

As mentioned, this function provides the current time based on a 24-hour day; mean to say for 4:00 pm, you would see 16:00:00.

• USER: –

If you have forgotten your username after you have logged in, this command would come to your rescue. This one gives the user name of the current user.

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